{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "cimVersion": "2.6.0", "id": 1, "name": "IE_GSI_GSNI_Bedrock_Geology_1M_IE32_ITM", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "Bedrock is the solid rock at or below the land surface. Over much of Ireland, the bedrock is covered by materials such as soil and gravel. The Bedrock map shows what the land surface of Ireland would be made up of if these materials were removed. As the bedrock is commonly covered, bedrock maps are an interpretation of the available data. Geologists map and record information on the composition and structure of rock outcrops (rock which can be seen on the land surface) and boreholes (a deep narrow round hole drilled in the ground). Areas are drawn on a map to show the distribution of rocks. To produce this dataset, the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) bedrock geology 1:500,000 and 1:100,000 maps were generalised. The Northern Irish data was generalised using the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) 1:250,000 bedrock geology map.This map is to the scale 1:1,000,000. This means it should be viewed at that scale. When printed at that scale 1cm on the map relates to a distance of 10km.It is a vector dataset. Vector data portray the world using points, lines, and polygons (areas).The bedrock data is shown as polygons. Each polygon holds information on the rock unit name, age and there is a link to download a pdf of the age description.", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 2157, "latestWkid": 2157, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 2, "mTolerance": 2, "falseX": -5022200, "falseY": -15179500, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 1, "falseM": 0, "mUnits": 1 }, "copyrightText": "Geological Survey Ireland & Geological Survey of Northern Ireland", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "uniqueValue", "field1": "UNITNAME", "uniqueValueInfos": [ { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 197, 0, 255, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Serpentinite and sedimentary melange (Palaeozoic)", "label": "Serpentinite and sedimentary melange (Palaeozoic)" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 230, 0, 0, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Ordovician granitic rocks", "label": "Ordovician granitic rocks" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 76, 115, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Lr Palaeozoic basic-intermediate intrusion", "label": "Lr Palaeozoic basic-intermediate intrusion" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 255, 127, 127, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Siluro-Devonian granitic rocks & appinite", "label": "Siluro-Devonian granitic rocks & appinite" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 255, 84, 0, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 204, 33, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Palaeogene granitic rocks", "label": "Palaeogene granitic rocks" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 255, 179, 102, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Palaeogene rhyolite", "label": "Palaeogene rhyolite" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 132, 0, 168, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Palaeogene basic intrusive rocks", "label": "Palaeogene basic intrusive rocks" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 191, 99, 150, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Palaeoproterozoic gneiss", "label": "Palaeoproterozoic gneiss" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 230, 0, 150, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Mesoproterozoic gneiss", "label": "Mesoproterozoic gneiss" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 255, 222, 255, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Neoproterozoic schist and gneiss", "label": "Neoproterozoic schist and gneiss" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 255, 235, 191, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 179, 158, 115, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks - Dalradian", "label": "Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks - Dalradian" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 255, 255, 190, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Cambrian greywacke, slate, quartzite", "label": "Cambrian greywacke, slate, quartzite" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 230, 169, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 78, 78, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Ordovician volcanic rocks", "label": "Ordovician volcanic rocks" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 232, 190, 255, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 181, 140, 204, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Lower-Middle Ordovician slate, sandstone, greywacke, conglomerate", "label": "Lower-Middle Ordovician slate, sandstone, greywacke, conglomerate" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 179, 204, 204, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 128, 153, 153, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Middle-Upper Ordovician slate, sandstone, greywacke, conglomerate", "label": "Middle-Upper Ordovician slate, sandstone, greywacke, conglomerate" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 199, 215, 158, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 148, 163, 107, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Late Ordovician-Silurian deep marine greywacke, mudstone (Longford-Down)", "label": "Late Ordovician-Silurian deep marine greywacke, mudstone (Longford-Down)" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 215, 176, 158, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 163, 125, 107, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Silurian terrestrial - 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Devonian sandstone & mudstone (Old Head Sandstone Fm)", "label": "Up. Devonian sandstone & mudstone (Old Head Sandstone Fm)" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 170, 255, 0, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 120, 204, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Carboniferous volcanic rocks", "label": "Carboniferous volcanic rocks" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 158, 187, 215, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 107, 135, 163, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Tournaisian sandstone, mudstone, limestone", "label": "Tournaisian sandstone, mudstone, limestone" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 115, 178, 255, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 64, 128, 204, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Tournaisian limestone", "label": "Tournaisian limestone" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 190, 232, 255, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 115, 156, 179, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Visean limestone & calcareous shale", "label": "Visean limestone & calcareous shale" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 230, 204, 204, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 179, 179, 153, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Visean sandstone, mudstone & evaporite", "label": "Visean sandstone, mudstone & evaporite" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 245, 162, 122, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 194, 112, 71, 255 ], "width": 0.2 } }, "value": "Visean to Westphalian redbed sandstone, conglomerate & mudstone", "label": "Visean to Westphalian redbed sandstone, conglomerate & mudstone" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 204, 204, 102, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": 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