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Legend (Bedrock/IE_GSI_GSNI_Bedrock_Geology_Datasets_500K_IE32_ITM)

IE_GSI_GSNI_Dykes_500k_IE32_ITM (0)
Dykes Dykes
IE_GSI_GSNI_Faults_500k_IE32_ITM (1)
Faults Faults
IE_GSI_GSNI_Bedrock_Geology_500k_IE32_ITM (2)
1, Meta-dolerite, meta-gabbro 1, Meta-dolerite, meta-gabbro
2, Serpentinite, Neoproterozoic (NE Ox Mts) & Lower Ordovician (Clew Bay, Carnew) 2, Serpentinite, Neoproterozoic (NE Ox Mts) & Lower Ordovician (Clew Bay, Carnew)
3, Orthogneiss suite, mainly quartz diorite (Connemara) 3, Orthogneiss suite, mainly quartz diorite (Connemara)
4, Granodiorite, tonalite, dacite, granite 4, Granodiorite, tonalite, dacite, granite
5, Gabbro, dolerite & diorite 5, Gabbro, dolerite & diorite
6, Microgranite & porphyry 6, Microgranite & porphyry
7, Appinite Suite 7, Appinite Suite
8, Granite, granodiorite 8, Granite, granodiorite
9, Granite, granophyre 9, Granite, granophyre
10, Rhyolite 10, Rhyolite
11, Dolerite & gabbro 11, Dolerite & gabbro
12, Rhinns Complex (Inishtrahull); Syenitic orthogneiss, minor metagabbro 12, Rhinns Complex (Inishtrahull); Syenitic orthogneiss, minor metagabbro
13, Mullet Gneiss; Granitic orthogneiss 13, Mullet Gneiss; Granitic orthogneiss
14, Cross Point Gneiss; Granitic orthogneiss 14, Cross Point Gneiss; Granitic orthogneiss
15, Doolough Gneiss & Granite; Granitic orthogneiss & granite 15, Doolough Gneiss & Granite; Granitic orthogneiss & granite
16, Kilmore Quay Group; Paragneiss, schist 16, Kilmore Quay Group; Paragneiss, schist
17, Greenore Point Group; Schistose amphibolite 17, Greenore Point Group; Schistose amphibolite
18, Tyrone Central Inlier; Quartzo-feldspathic paragneiss & schist 18, Tyrone Central Inlier; Quartzo-feldspathic paragneiss & schist
19, Slishwood Division; Quartzo-feldspathic paragneiss 19, Slishwood Division; Quartzo-feldspathic paragneiss
20, Inishkea Division (possibly Dalradian); Psammitic & pelitic schist 20, Inishkea Division (possibly Dalradian); Psammitic & pelitic schist
21, Grampian Group; Psammitic & pelitic schist 21, Grampian Group; Psammitic & pelitic schist
22, Appin Group; Quartzite 22, Appin Group; Quartzite
23, Appin Group; Psammitic & pelitic schist & marble 23, Appin Group; Psammitic & pelitic schist & marble
24, Argyll Group; Paragneiss & migmatite 24, Argyll Group; Paragneiss & migmatite
25, Argyll Group; Amphibolite & amphibolitic schist 25, Argyll Group; Amphibolite & amphibolitic schist
26, Argyll Group; Quartzite 26, Argyll Group; Quartzite
27, Argyll Group; Psammitic & pelitic schist, marble, amphibolite, diamictite 27, Argyll Group; Psammitic & pelitic schist, marble, amphibolite, diamictite
28, Southern Highland Group; (Epidote-)amphibolitic schist & tuff 28, Southern Highland Group; (Epidote-)amphibolitic schist & tuff
29, Southern Highland Group; Pelitic & psammitic schist, phyllite & marble 29, Southern Highland Group; Pelitic & psammitic schist, phyllite & marble
30, Marine; Quartzite & minor slate 30, Marine; Quartzite & minor slate
31, Marine; Slate 31, Marine; Slate
32, Marine; Greywacke & shale 32, Marine; Greywacke & shale
33, Basalt - andesite, tuff & shale 33, Basalt - andesite, tuff & shale
34, Rhyolite and rhyolitic tuff 34, Rhyolite and rhyolitic tuff
35, Deep marine; Slate, schist & minor greywacke 35, Deep marine; Slate, schist & minor greywacke
36, Deep marine; Greywacke, shale, sandstone & conglomerate 36, Deep marine; Greywacke, shale, sandstone & conglomerate
37, Basalt - andesite, tuff, slate & mudstone 37, Basalt - andesite, tuff, slate & mudstone
38, Rhyolite, rhyolitic tuff & slate 38, Rhyolite, rhyolitic tuff & slate
39, Deep marine; Slate, shale, minor sandstone & siltstone 39, Deep marine; Slate, shale, minor sandstone & siltstone
40, Marine to fluvial; Greywacke, shale, sandstone & conglomerate 40, Marine to fluvial; Greywacke, shale, sandstone & conglomerate
41, Melange (Ordovician or Silurian); Greywacke, sandstone & conglomerate 41, Melange (Ordovician or Silurian); Greywacke, sandstone & conglomerate
42, "Moffat shale" facies (Ordovician - Silurian); Shale & greywacke 42, "Moffat shale" facies (Ordovician - Silurian); Shale & greywacke
43, Shallow marine (Dunquin Group, Dingle); Siltstone, sandstone, tuff, limestone 43, Shallow marine (Dunquin Group, Dingle); Siltstone, sandstone, tuff, limestone
44, Rhyolitic tuff, basalt & andesite (in Dunquin Group) 44, Rhyolitic tuff, basalt & andesite (in Dunquin Group)
45, Shallow marine (Croagh Patrick Succession); Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate 45, Shallow marine (Croagh Patrick Succession); Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate
46, Quartzite (in Croagh Patrick Succession) 46, Quartzite (in Croagh Patrick Succession)
47, Alluvial - playa (Louisburgh - Clare Island Succession); Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate 47, Alluvial - playa (Louisburgh - Clare Island Succession); Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate
48, Transgression - regression sequence (Killary Hbr - Joyces Country Succ.); Sandstone, conglomerate, greywacke, mudstone, tuff 48, Transgression - regression sequence (Killary Hbr - Joyces Country Succ.); Sandstone, conglomerate, greywacke, mudstone, tuff
49, Deep marine turbidite sequence; Mudstone, greywacke & conglomerate 49, Deep marine turbidite sequence; Mudstone, greywacke & conglomerate
50, Basalt, andesite, basaltic & andesitic tuff 50, Basalt, andesite, basaltic & andesitic tuff
51, Rhyolite & rhyolitic tuff 51, Rhyolite & rhyolitic tuff
52, Continental redbed facies; Sandstone, siltstone & mudstone (base of Dingle Group is in the Upper Silurian) 52, Continental redbed facies; Sandstone, siltstone & mudstone (base of Dingle Group is in the Upper Silurian)
53, Continental redbed facies; Sandstone, siltstone & mudstone 53, Continental redbed facies; Sandstone, siltstone & mudstone
54, Continental redbed facies; Sandstone, conglomerate & siltstone (in places extends into the Carboniferous) 54, Continental redbed facies; Sandstone, conglomerate & siltstone (in places extends into the Carboniferous)
55, Shallow marine, (Cork Group, Old Head Sandstone Fm); Sandstone & mudstone 55, Shallow marine, (Cork Group, Old Head Sandstone Fm); Sandstone & mudstone
56, Basalt, trachyte, syenite & tuff 56, Basalt, trachyte, syenite & tuff
57, Marine (Cork Group) (extends into the Visean); Mudstone, sandstone & thin limestone 57, Marine (Cork Group) (extends into the Visean); Mudstone, sandstone & thin limestone
58, Shallow marine ("Lower Limestone Shale"); Shale, sandstone & thin limestone 58, Shallow marine ("Lower Limestone Shale"); Shale, sandstone & thin limestone
59, Shallow marine & coastal plain (basal clastics); Sandstone, mudstone & conglomerate 59, Shallow marine & coastal plain (basal clastics); Sandstone, mudstone & conglomerate
60, Shallow & marginal marine (Navan Group); Dark-grey limestone, mudstone, sandstone, minor evaporite 60, Shallow & marginal marine (Navan Group); Dark-grey limestone, mudstone, sandstone, minor evaporite
61, Marine shelf & ramp facies; Argillaceous dark-grey bioclastic limestone, subsidiary shale 61, Marine shelf & ramp facies; Argillaceous dark-grey bioclastic limestone, subsidiary shale
62, Waulsortian mudbank; Pale-grey massive limestone 62, Waulsortian mudbank; Pale-grey massive limestone
63, Shallow marine & coastal plain (Basal Clastics); Sandstone, mudstone & conglomerate 63, Shallow marine & coastal plain (Basal Clastics); Sandstone, mudstone & conglomerate
64, Marine shelf facies; Limestone & calcareous shale 64, Marine shelf facies; Limestone & calcareous shale
65, Marine basinal facies (Tobercolleen & Lucan Fms - "Calp"); Dark-grey argillaceous & cherty limestone & shale 65, Marine basinal facies (Tobercolleen & Lucan Fms - "Calp"); Dark-grey argillaceous & cherty limestone & shale
66, Marginal marine (Mullaghmore, Downpatrick & Clogher Valley Fms); Sandstone, mudstone & evaporite 66, Marginal marine (Mullaghmore, Downpatrick & Clogher Valley Fms); Sandstone, mudstone & evaporite
67, Shallow water marine (Armagh Group); Limestone, limestone conglomerate, palaeokarst with red palaeosols 67, Shallow water marine (Armagh Group); Limestone, limestone conglomerate, palaeokarst with red palaeosols
68, Marginal marine (Meenymore Formation); Mudstone, sandstone & evaporite 68, Marginal marine (Meenymore Formation); Mudstone, sandstone & evaporite
69, Fluvio-deltaic & minor marine (late Visean to Namurian: Ballycastle); Sandstone, mudstone, thin limestone & coal 69, Fluvio-deltaic & minor marine (late Visean to Namurian: Ballycastle); Sandstone, mudstone, thin limestone & coal
70, Continental redbed facies (late Visean to early Westphalian); Sandstone, conglomerate & mudstone 70, Continental redbed facies (late Visean to early Westphalian); Sandstone, conglomerate & mudstone
71, Fluvio-deltaic & basinal marine (Turbiditic); Shale, sandstone, siltstone & coal 71, Fluvio-deltaic & basinal marine (Turbiditic); Shale, sandstone, siltstone & coal
72, Fluvio-deltaic & shallow marine; Shale, sandstone & siltstone with coal 72, Fluvio-deltaic & shallow marine; Shale, sandstone & siltstone with coal
73, Continental redbed facies & shallow marine; Sandstone, conglomerate, magnesian limestone, marl, evaporite 73, Continental redbed facies & shallow marine; Sandstone, conglomerate, magnesian limestone, marl, evaporite
74, Continental redbed facies (Permo-Triassic, Wexford); Sandstone, conglomerate & siltstone 74, Continental redbed facies (Permo-Triassic, Wexford); Sandstone, conglomerate & siltstone
75, Continental redbed facies, lagoonal & shallow marine; Sandstone & mudstone with evaporite 75, Continental redbed facies, lagoonal & shallow marine; Sandstone & mudstone with evaporite
76, Shallow marine (Lias); Mudstone & limestone 76, Shallow marine (Lias); Mudstone & limestone
77, Shallow marine (Upper Cretaceous); Chalk, flint, glauconitic sandstone& chalk breccia 77, Shallow marine (Upper Cretaceous); Chalk, flint, glauconitic sandstone& chalk breccia
78, Undifferentiated minor volcanic rocks 78, Undifferentiated minor volcanic rocks
79, Lower Basalt Formation; Olivine basalt lava 79, Lower Basalt Formation; Olivine basalt lava
80, Interbasaltic Formation; Laterite, bauxite & lithomarge 80, Interbasaltic Formation; Laterite, bauxite & lithomarge
81, Causeway Tholeiite Member; Columnar tholeiitic basalt lava 81, Causeway Tholeiite Member; Columnar tholeiitic basalt lava
82, Upper Basalt Formation; Olivine basalt lava 82, Upper Basalt Formation; Olivine basalt lava
83, Lacustrine; Clay, sand & lignite 83, Lacustrine; Clay, sand & lignite