Description: LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology, i.e. the technology is not in direct contact with what is being measured. From satellite, aeroplane or helicopter, a LiDAR system sends a light pulse to the ground. This pulse hits the ground and returns back to a sensor on the system. The time is recorded to measure how long it takes for this light to return. Knowing this time measurement scientists are able to create topography maps.LiDAR data are collected as points (X,Y,Z (x & y coordinates) and z (height)). The data is then converted into gridded (GeoTIFF) data to create a Digital Terrain Model and Digital Surface Model of the earth. This LiDAR data was collected in 2011.This data shows the areas in Ireland for which you can download LiDAR data and contains links to download the data. This is a vector dataset. Vector data portray the world using points, lines, and polygons (areas).The LiDAR coverage is shown as polygons. Each polygon is 2000m by 2000m in size and holds information on: the location, data provider, owner, licence, published date, capture date, surveyor, RMS error, resolution and a link to download the LiDAR raster data in 2000m by 2000m sections.
Service Item Id: abad0663144c44ab896d3e0e9a46d579
Copyright Text: Geological Survey Ireland & the Office of Public Works